Omnivore 6: First Endpoint, MVP stage

It's been an awful lot of words getting us to this point. And for not very much code, really. Among other things, this illustrates, to me, the magic of getting into a flow state. Not that I was in that for the entire time here -- too much context-switching, what with all the research, setup, … Continue reading Omnivore 6: First Endpoint, MVP stage

Omnivore 5: Tying Together the Client and Model

Okay, so as you can see from the number in the title, I have generated a number of posts describing my approach to Omnivore, an app that lets users find food trucks, track their interactions with them and share them with friends. That's included commentary on everything from "why this app, using this API, of … Continue reading Omnivore 5: Tying Together the Client and Model

Tech Debt and Taking (a little) Extra Time to Think

Interrupting the flow of posts on Omnivore here, because, well … there are quite a lot of them for such a tiny, inconsequential app. I decided to get really granular with my description of the process, because I thought it would be interesting to me to really map out all the thinking and decision-making involved. … Continue reading Tech Debt and Taking (a little) Extra Time to Think